CEMS Annual Events & MIM Graduation Ceremony

Getting around Bergen

Public transport in Bergen

Public transportation, the preferred mode of transport for the locals, makes it easy to get around in the Bergen region. Buses and light rail train are frequent and cover all of the city landscape. All public transportation in Bergen is offered via skyss.no, where you'll find all bus and light rail train lines and ticketing information. In addition, we suggest that you use Bergen Taxi (phone number +47 55 99 70 00) when in need of a taxi.

Transport map (Skyss map) for Bergen:
Bergen and the region are divided into different zones. All of Bergen city center and the whole of Bergen municipality is zone A (including NHH and all the event venues).

Accessible public transport

Payment options

  • Skyss Ticket App:
    Payment with a debit/credit card (Visa/Mastercard/AmEx). All zones are available in the app. The app will display in English:

  • Ticket machines:
    Buy a single ticket at Skyss' ticket machines at all Bergen Light Rail stops, at some bus stops in central Bergen and at bus terminals in the Bergen area. (only zone A available at the machines. Zone A includes Bergen Airport Flesland). Pay using bank card (Visa, Mastercard or Maestro), smartphone or smartwatch.

  • On board the bus:
    There are only certain buses where you can buy a ticket on board. (It is not possible to buy a ticket on board the Bybanen). Payment with cash (NOK) or by card. In zone A, you must pay a cash supplement when you buy a single ticket in cash on board. Cash supplement for adults is NOK 20, and for children and seniors NOK 10.

  • With SMS:
    Send an SMS to telephone number 2412 with the code word for the ticket you want:
    Vaksen (adult).

  • Bergen card:
    Bergen card holders can make use of public transport (buses) with Skyss for free in Bergen (including the Light Rail to and from the Airport) an in the county Vestland. The card does NOT include the Airport bus from Bergen city center to Bergen Airport Flesland. The card is valid for public transport with the operator Skyss to places like Flåm, Voss, Odda, and all of the Hardangerfjord area. The boat to Askøy and Nordhordland is also included (boats only in zone A).

5 options, no reason not to get a ticket and visit beautiful Bergen (with an umbrella)!